Dry Eye Services
We have added the latest in dry eye diagnostic technology to offer our patients clinically proven relief from dry eye disease. Dry eye affects approximately 20-30% of Canadians who may experience it as minor irritation to more debilitating pain or discomfort from chronic inflammation.
What is dry eye?
Dry eye is caused by an imbalance of the tear film which is the protective layer that spreads over your eye surface with each blink keeping they eye's surface smooth and clear
It provides nutrients and also is the first focusing point for light entering the eye to help with good vision
The tear film is made of three layers each of which serves a purpose:
An oily layer - the outside layer which responsible for preventing your tears from drying up too quickly
A watery layer - the middle layer which cleans and removes foreign particles, and provides the eye with nutrients
A mucus layer - the inner layer which spreads the watery layer and keeps our tears against the eye surface
If there is any disruption or imbalance of any of these layers dry eye symptoms may result
What are some symptoms of dry eye?
A scratchy feeling, foreign body sensation
Stinging or burning
Blurry vision
Tired eyes
Red eyes
Watery eyes or excessive tearing
Sensitivity to light
Eyelid crusting upon awakening
Contact lens discomfort or intolerance
How is dry eye treated?
During our Dry Eye Assessment we complete a series of tests to carefully examine the ocular surface with specific diagnostic equipment to determine which areas of the tear film are imbalanced or not performing properly. After the assessment we will develop an initial customized treatment plan to address the root cause of your dry eye and solutions so that you can obtain relief, leaving you with comfortable, healthier eyes.
Who is at risk for dry eye?
Patients who:
Wear contact lenses
Work daily on screens and devices
Are preparing for cataract surgery
Are preparing for LASIK or other refractive surgery
Frequently wear eye makeup and cosmetics
Work in a dry or windy environments
Are age 50 or older
Patients with certain medical conditions or medications
This treatment plan may include:
Home Therapy
At home treatments for lid hygiene
Selected lubricant eye drops, gels or ointments
Prescription eye drops
Oral antibiotics
Nutritional supplements
Hot compress eye masks
In-office treatments
We also perform in office treatments that are clinicall proven for dry eye relief:
AB Max technology - A microblepharoexfoliation procedure to remove eyelid debris and bacteria associated with blepharitis. Similar to a dental scaling, this procedure leaves you with clean and healthy eyelids and reduces your risk of eye infections such as styes. (Recommended every 6 months in conjunction with home therapy)
TempSure Envi radio frequency in office treatment - an effective way to unclog blocked oil glands (meibomian glands) , through controlled heat therapy and expression, which targets one the main causes of dry eye
Intense Pulsed Light thrapy (IPL) - an effective way to manage chronic dry eye by targeting signs and symptoms of ocular rosacea. IPL reduces eye inflammation, unclogging blocked oil glands and decreasing bacterial load
LED light therapy
Amniotic Membrane (coming soon)
If you think you may be suffering from dry eyes contact our office at (705) 722-8548 or book a dry eye consultation* online with our optometrist.
*We strongly recommend that you have had a recent complete eye examination prior to a Dry Eye Assessment

Here is great resource for patients for more information on dry eye disease https://mydryeye.ca/